To stay up to date on upcoming events, check out the SonLight App and our Facebook page.

Men's Ministry
Men, our next Forged meeting will be Wednesday, November 20th, in the church atrium from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. We are starting a 8-week series in Hebrews with Dr. Derwin Gray. You are encouraged to bring a friend and sign up at the Connection Center to bring something to share.
Men, our next Forged meeting will be Wednesday, November 20th, in the church atrium from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. We are starting a 8-week series in Hebrews with Dr. Derwin Gray. You are encouraged to bring a friend and sign up at the Connection Center to bring something to share.

Women's Ministry
The women’s ministry will be meeting every 2nd Tuesday from 6:00-7:30pm for a book study called, Having a Mary heart in a Martha world. See Tammi McCoy, Tracy Cioffi, or Jenna Rios for information and books..

Young Adults Community
We are excited to announce that we have a new group for Young Adults that meets every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Fuse Box. They are in a series called, The Beatitudes with Matt Chandler. This group is for you if you're in your 18s or early 20s.

Life Groups
If you want to discover what Rooted can do for your life, stop by the display in the Atrium for more details and get signed up! Fundamentally, Rooted is an eleven-week small group experience centered around discussions, devotions, and other experiences, with the ultimate goal of showing you that you were made for more. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a Christian since the womb or are trying to figure out who Jesus is. Rooted is for you.